The most important thing your business headshot photo does, is lets people recognize you, and feel comfortable with you.
Sometimes it’s important to communicate something about your personality with your headshot, but that’s not as important as making sure you can be easily recognized.
The more comfortable someone is when they pick up the phone to call you, the better for business!
I’m a big fan of a headshot that shows off your personality in an inviting and engaging way. However, there’s also something to be said about uniformity across headshots when they’re being used inside of a bigger organization or business.
There’s nothing quite so jarring as to arrive at a business’s website to find an assorted mix of people’s photos.
When it’s time to update the company website, or when a number of new people have recently joined the organization, sometimes it’s best to schedule everyone an updated headshot.
When scheduling headshots for everyone, is it easiest to set up in the conference room and give everyone a time slot through the day? Or, is it easier to have each person come into the studio when their schedule allows? Some people can be pulled away from their tasks more easily than others can. Often, when trying to work around appointments or client meetings, it can be more simple to schedule that person an in-studio headshot session.
Sometimes you want a headshot that captures your unique personality.
Other times you want a uniform set of headshots that make your website look clean and professional.
The headshots on your website can also be a design element. Does a high contrast black and white set of photos fit your brand? Maybe something a bit darker and moodier? Or maybe an earth tone fits well with your brand’s colors?
These are all conversations we can have as we coordinate headshots for your company!