How to Take Your Own Professional Headshot Photo Using Your Phone

Professional headshot photos are an essential aspect of personal branding, and it’s always good to have an updated photo readily available, especially in today’s digital age. With advancements in smartphone technology, taking your own professional headshot photo has become easier than ever. In this article, we’ll go through the steps to help you take a high-quality headshot photo using your phone.

Understanding Your Phone’s Camera

The first step in taking a professional headshot photo is to understand your phone’s camera. Most smartphones come with a high-quality camera that is more than capable of taking professional-looking photos. However, it’s essential to understand the features of your camera, such as exposure, focus, and flash, to ensure that you are taking the best possible photo.

Preparing for the Photo Shoot

Before taking your headshot photo, it’s crucial to prepare for the photo shoot. Here are some things to consider:

  • Lighting: Good lighting is essential for taking a high-quality photo. Natural light is best, so try to find a well-lit area with a neutral background, such as a plain wall.
  • Clothing: Choose clothing that is appropriate for your profession and the impression you want to convey. Make sure that your clothing is clean and wrinkle-free, and consider wearing solid colors.
  • Background: A neutral background, such as a plain wall, is best for a headshot photo. Avoid busy patterns and distracting backgrounds that could take away from the focus of the photo.
  • Pose: Decide on a pose that makes you look confident and professional. Stand straight, with your shoulders back and your chin slightly tilted down.

Taking the Photo

Once you have prepared for the photo shoot, it’s time to take the photo. Here are some tips to help you take the best possible headshot photo:

  • Hold the camera at eye level: Holding the camera at eye level helps to give the photo a more professional look.
  • Use the self-timer: The self-timer function on your phone’s camera is an excellent tool for taking a headshot photo. Set the timer for a few seconds and position the camera at the right distance and angle before hitting the button.
  • Experiment with angles: Try taking photos from different angles to see what works best for you. You can also try tilting your head slightly to one side for a more relaxed and approachable look.
  • Edit the photo: Once you have taken the photo, you can use editing tools to enhance it. Adjust the exposure, brightness, and saturation levels to achieve the desired look.


Taking your own professional headshot photo using your phone is easy and convenient. By following these steps, you can take a high-quality photo that conveys your professional image and personality. Whether you’re using it for your LinkedIn profile, business website, or personal brand, a professional headshot photo is a must-have. So, grab your phone and start taking your own headshot photos today!

If, after attempting your own headshot photo, you aren’t satisfied with the results, check out our work, and Contact Us!